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Structures and Reactions

ChemInform provides weekly abstracts of selected articles from the most important journals in the fields of organic, organometallic, inorganic and physical chemistry. The primary focus in the selection of articles is on new syntheses and methods in organic chemistry, including enzymatic and microbial processes. Clear, accurate, and detailed reaction schemes facilitate a quick, comprehensive overview of the central chemistry of the original document.  

The reaction database ChemInform RX (CIRX) enables the detailed reaction schemes of the ChemInform journal to be searched. This unique database is an excellent tool for planning new syntheses and optimizing synthetic processes.


Solid Phase Organic REactions  -  The database for synthetic pathways via polymer-bound organic compounds, with extensive data on each individual reaction.


Don't be frustrated any longer by unexplained acronyms. Search our little database at no charge to find common abbreviations of chemical substituents and substances.

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